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Monday, May 23, 2005

Why Help People Complain?

Complaining is indeed an art.  No one likes a complainer.   We’ve all heard it “ Never Complain, Never Explain”.  The preacher,  priest,  rabbi and or even the boss doesn’t always want to hear complaints.   However, have you ever seen a coach who won’t question an officiating call.  Can we even carry on a relationship without ever expressing our differing viewpoints.  Ironically our society likes people who turn the other cheek, especially when the complaint may require action, change or sacrifice on the part of others to make things right.


Every minute of everyday someone is being ripped off, mistreated or abused.  Many times cries for help are heard, but ignored.  Good Samaritans aren’t interested in helping you because you were overcharged, mislead, or taken advantage of, because of your good nature.  Certainly the demons of darkness are more than happy when good loses and evil is victorious.  Why does complaining receive such a bad rap from the very guiding moral forces in our society?  Legitimate complaints shouldn’t be based on envy, jealously, hatred or just improper motives.    Counting our Blessings is good medicine to avoid unreasonable or constant bickering and complaining, but sadly there are many abusers whom have used the good nature of moral fortitude to do what they do  best, which is take advantage of others.


Universal Tattletale: Liberty Complaints and Compliments strive to encourage complaints to help people vent their frustrations, resolve conflict and prevent deviant actions from continuing unnoticed.   Like the old saying goes:  Pray to God, but Row to Shore.


R Lockdall


Thursday, May 19, 2005

Randy Lockdall Posted by Hello

Avoiding Scams and Snoops


Americans are famous for being big givers, however many organizations and charities may be keeping much more than they give.  Your state Attorney General is a good place to start if you want to be sure.  It is a good idea to see who the solicitor is and how much of the gift they are keeping. A list from can be found at:

Charitable Soliciations Financial Chart

This is just one extensive partial list of organizations.

Wireless Home Connections

How secure is your home network?  Many people are now setting up their networks at home without realizing how vulnerable they can be.  Most setups are done via 802.11 connections which are now being used by many libraries and others who allow insecure public access.  If you have the wireless setup you should make sure you also have the WPA ecryption setup correctly in your Windows XP. 

Go to : XP connection Update

Norton security suites or other approved software which guards, spam, hackers and offers privacy service.

Stan Miastkowski of PC World gives a step by step approach in the May 2004 edition.  You can link to the how to article at:


Step by Step Build a Safe Network


You can go to newsletter  May 04 to see original article




Economics and Innovation

One of my favorite writers of recent years has been Michael Schrage of Technology Review. The last article Mr. Schrage will write for MIT’s Tech Review was in the December issue entitled Innovation Diffusion.

Innovation Diffusion according to Michael Schrage: “ the biggest changes to our world are occurring because ofthe accelerating diffusion of innovation.” “Simply put” he says “Innovators don’t change the world. The users of their innovations do.” Mr. Schrage discusses how more people are gaining access to an ever increasing number of innovations at very low cost..

The question comes to mind what about economics such as regressive taxes, concentration of wealth and the convergence of power to make or break good ideas.

For instance most people in America do at least some shopping at Walmart, go through a drive thru at McDonalds or do there grocery shopping at Kroger buying at least a few products form Proctor and Gamble.

What makes technology any different than these first purveyors or at least dominators in their market niches. Technology many times exists, but is never seen by the consumer. Why didn’t GM put out a Hybrid car twenty years ago? The answers lie in economics, and what drives the engine of innovation. is in the business of helping people with their complaints and compliments, yet viewing us on the web requires that people find us on Google, Yahoo, or MSN etc. This also means that these companies now have a large responsibility in making sites visible at a reasonable cost. —-No that’s not it they have the responsibility to make money for their stockholders. So when it comes to getting noticed these pay per click charges may make it impossible for you to place a complaint if you look to complain about Doctors or an automobile accident. This site does not have the economic incentive or ability to pay $7 a click for what an insurance company might deem appropriate.

Concentrated wealth and market power are indeed big players in the driving of innovation. Yes economies of scale may drive down their prices when we buy a calculator, or computer but the players (sellers) are the same companies. Eventually one player drives out the other player or they merge and combine their efforts to play another day.

Why does it matter to innovators and consumers as long as we’re getting the products at prices we can afford? The answer again is economics.

Why are there big media companies like Time Warner (AOL), News Corporation LTD (Fox) and Disney (ABC, ESPN) who dominate choices about the information we see and hear. Who controls the majority shares, but a few wealthy whom might be invited to Davos Economic Forum or Bilderberg meetings. Who do they invite or cajole but a few influential politicians.

Innovation Diffusion is indeed the apple in the eye of progress, but economic reality is the totalitarian ruler to innovation. Protecting and promoting my kingdom in the search for conquest require that I control all that I can to reap the biggest profits.

Democratic Government seeks to provide a level playing field by balancing the interests and objectives of the public and private sector. When government cannot find balance they borrow money or look for creative ways to balance the books like lotteries or cutting public spending.

The use of innovation allows people to do things better, more efficiently and more productively, but the process requires the protection by Government through not only patents and copyrights, but the diffusion of totalitarian or monopolistic rule through regulation or other interventions.

By Randy Lockdall

Note we now have three links to our site:

Welcome To Universal Tattletale Blog

I've decided to post some of my newsletter stuff on a Blog site to make it easier to access from the web. Currently you can access information through the Universal Tattletale website at or, however this site will serve to make things easier to comment on and reach the worldwide web. For instance, I will place the link for the monthly newsletter here such as the March newsletter However I will be placing the original copies of new posts here and then adding them to future newsletters from the site. Many people seem to be more interested in reading blogs than just new complaint listings so they will be able to read letters and make comments easier without going through the site.