Recently I read an editorial (A billionaire who knows alot of things)about Mark Cuban vs Bill Gates by sports columnist Tim Dahlberg and I beg to differ with his conclusions. First of all Mark Cuban went to Indiana University and actually got a degree. He started as a salesman and has in fact billions. Ironically he has a website which is open to the public. Unlike Mr. Bill Gates whom has basically no means to contact him including his company Microsoft without going through some major beauracratic process.
Yes, Bill Gates has given away thirty billion dollars or has he. It seems to me that only about ten percent of the money is actually being given to charity that goes into this tax haven for the rich. Guess what most of us have no control or say so over the money we give away, but not Mr Gates who’s foundation is neatly controlled by his spouse and father. Don’t get me wrong I admire Bill Gates in that he notably is trying to do the right thing and suck up to the intellectual liberal media, however WHO IS Bill Gates and would he allow you to respond openly to him on a website—I think not. Mark Cuban openly discusses his thoughts and feelings about things he does know about or has ideas about.
Last time I looked Bill Gates was getting away from what he knows best—Microsoft and going after the power and glory of giving that ten percent of his foundation which in one gift became four times larger than the Rockefellers or the Ford’s. Honestly I hope he decides to give away all those Billions and end the plight of starvation and malnutrition worldwide, but time will tell. Meanwhile, Just be careful what you say regarding this master of intrigue who's name is Bill Gates.
Mark Cuban on the other hand might actually offer you a few pointers on what he thinks about basketball, getting rich or what coffee he likes best.