We the American people have been deliberately, maneuvered, trapped, tricked, deceived and even enslaved by our own political ideologies, agendas and parties. Somehow through all of this we are still the undisputed champion at producing much of the best of almost everything. If we can’t make the best, we buy the best even if it means selling ourselves out to do it. We are more dependent now on foreign countries, companies and illegal immigrants than ever before. The one thing we are promising to provide the world is protection. We own approximately half of all nuclear armaments in the world and American companies control almost half of all privately held highly enriched uranium. Most certainly we trust ourselves more than anything else. We’ve borrowed close to 29, 000 dollars for each and every American and there is no sign of change. We have by far the most billionaires and provide them with some of the lowest tax rates and the highest standards of living. We even look the other way as they avoid taxes and place their money in tax free havens around the world.
Sorry if I sound so cynical, but I’m somewhat concerned about many Americans. The middle class, lower class and ever increasing elderly citizen base all dependent on the nation to aspire to its great heritage of strength and giving. The government can’t say no to spending and our corporate corruption is shameful. It is no longer just a few, but a way of life. I doubt if President Lincoln, Jefferson, Grant or Washington imagined the millions other Presidents would receive for their books, memoirs and speaking engagements. I wish they could be here now to give Americans some advice. Undoubtedly they would be Proud and even Impressed at the accomplishments and greatness of this Great Country. What would they say about our morality? Our decisions? Our Future? I don’t know? I do know that many Americans have given their lives and lost their fortunes through the generations and certainly deserve a country that maintains its heart and its identity. This is indeed a battle with globalization, internet pornography, weapons proliferation and most of all political corruption and gluttony. The strength of our democracy depends on the voting American to promote change and direction.
The question of whether We The People can discern, be brave enough to demand through the ballot box necessary change that confronts all of our demons will indeed determine our ability to maintain the nation and claim the freedoms given by our Declaration of Independence and God inspired constitution.