The Eagles Long Road out of Eden --Is the US Empire building?
This week I’m traveling from Indiana to Arizona for business. It’s amazing the massive amount of building and economic progress that has taken place especially in our major cities. Two of the most expansive from a visual perspective, which I traveled through are Little Rock AR and Dallas TX. Like so many major cities keeping the infrastructure to accommodate the many people living and working in areas around the cities is a challenge Local and state governments who are challenged to find creative ways to fund all the necessary programs and projects.
The question: Why when things look so good are there any questions about supply side economics (Reaganomics) espoused by the Shawn Hannitys’ and Rush Limbaugh’s of the world. Do these commentators represent a smaller number of people who want to maintain the status quo by pointing to these great successes or are they the actual representations of America? The housing crunch is a perfect example of people acting upon the dilemma’s put before them. If I want to be part of the new greater America I must learn to get my piece of the pie out of a belief in an all or nothing philosophy. Today there has been an explosion in entrepreneurship, who were and also are more likely to go bankrupt. Entrepreneurship requires us to spend more for start up and take in a lower income than may be expected or perceived. This scenario of spending first, budgeting later has spread to all sectors of our economy starting with government spending, to corporations and to individuals.
The founders of the constitution did not have to be concerned with today’s media. Had the King of England possessed such power he may have reacted by constantly bombarding the colonists with his points of view to maintain his royal splendor. This would include protecting his supporters (health care and large corporations) who benefited from government regulation and government inaction. If one believes the US is in Iraq to protect our oil and financial interests then we must also conclude that we are indeed empire building.