Presenting Public Policy initiatives that recognize their importance in a world dominated by Global Economic Forces (Globalization) should be a goal of the Obama administration... Globalization in the real world without American Public Policy Constraints will undermine the American ideologies especially in regards to Human Rights, Civil Rights and Environmental Issues. This is not only an issue which is changing the American landscape, but will result in a less authoritative and less bona fide United States constitution. During the past thirty years Americans have become mesmerized by Globalization philosophies that impose Free trade at all costs as something close to a moral choice. Nationalism, Religious Ideologies, National Pastimes and Professional Sports support these concepts with unfettered voracity. The Laws of Supply and Demand have been so firmly ingrained in the culture that to sway from these results by suggesting that Democratic values can approve of socialistic programs or programs that support the general welfare of our citizens are in fact treasonous. Our Constitution was established by ideas about Democratic freedoms not pure capitalistic and economic motives.
The General welfare statement can be interpreted to include citizens or immigrants who want to be citizens who must swear to the Constitution. In the words of Aristotle; “In a Democracy the Poor will have more power than the rich because there are more of them, and the power of the majority is supreme.” The nature of capitalistic wealth as the primary goal of a government approves in the objective of winning the game of attaining the most wealth as the “highest” directive. This is similar to
Many groups who have other ideas about protecting and supporting the general welfare on issues such as Global Warming, the environment or Health care are deplored as socialist deviants seeking to take away the divine rights of the greed protecting pundits. Sadly many of these pundits must rely on the programs and policies they want so much to deny to everyone else. Their programs for the military or education or whoever they work for are reasonable while, huge deficits become acceptable because we can have the benefits of a tax that no one ever has to pay. However, we know these deficits actually protect the wealth of the rich while placing the debt on a majority of Americans for generations to come.
Anyone who has listened to Limbaugh or numerous other right wing pundits during the past twenty years can testify to their oath that Politics and Social Welfare should be at the mercy of those who are the best because they after all deserve the most. Professional Athletes, Giant Hedge Fund managers or Multi Billionaires provide us with incentive to achieve and admire their greatness. This achievement and ability to push the work ethic and success at all cost requires that all Americans especially the poor recognize their place and to oppose the philosophy of Greed is in fact Un-American. According to these right wing pundits, the true American or Great American is someone who is willing to give it all for the Greed philosophy in that we must protect Warren Buffett’s wealth, Tiger Woods Skills and Michael Milken’s Genius at all costs. The millions of Americans who are in foreclosure are expendable, while bailing out large banks is the greed version of doing the greater good. If competing in a Globalized world means selling assets to other nations that have no intention or belief in our ideologies then Global economics rules. Human rights in
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