Thought I'd write a note today! Its amazing how we constantly are reminded what to believe which often contradicts with our experience. Although I would like to limit this to religion it is intertwined with the basic concepts of reality we face each and every day. Its in education, politics and economic theory. It is most certainly about change. What changes should be made and who will benefit from those changes. Most of us have been the recipient of these decisions ultimately made by an individual or group of individuals. For instance you made or got cut from an athletic team, got hired or fired from a job or got accepted or not accepted to a prestigious school. What's even more interesting is what makes one successful---getting to the opportunity or learning from the opportunity. Its most often a little bit of both.
This sounds like a small fries idea, but it is the basic framework for the biggest questions of our time. As a business owner this is a constant reality that I have tested on numerous occasions. Donald Trump may host a show to support the concept that finding and developing a restaurant in New York is all about the management-- But is it really? I might for instance claim that it is based on location and who owns the real estate where the restaurant will be located. The concept that the very best will survive may ultimately be factual in most cases in our Capitalistic society. But often I look at good people who could have been or should have been more successful but unseen or unknown obstacles stood in the way. Often conglomerates, unions, associations and groups of people get together like corporations to basically control markets and people. This is why the US is in such a particular quandary at this moment in time. Capitalism is the ultimate victor and takes no prisoners. We either comply or find others (even foreigners who do not support our Democratic ideas) to help us comply with the only rules of the game which undermine our rights to choose as we wish more so than as we should. The rules must be broken or many of us will ultimately lose.
This leads us to the biggest benefactor/ discriminator and that is those who wish to control change. Typically this is our leaders in government, corporate and military establishments. Unfortunately they have found all kinds of rules they say they abide by to keep this change fair. But this is the most dangerous contradiction to the primary rule they want us all to believe. That we get what we deserve. That our efforts and accomplishments are due solely to our aptitude and efforts. When enough people look around and say they no longer believe or even trust these leaders in a real democracy this should mean change.
Unfortunately these leaders control this concept too! The necessity to stop opposition, make accusation and enhance real forces of control like the military or police forces is often about controlling not bad people but people who might create changes that would be adverse to their rights as benefactors and discriminators. Ultimately change is inevitable but these leaders would be advised to promote it not control it.