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Monday, November 28, 2005


A burning sensation went through him first to his head then down his spine landing squarely in his heart. The simple words she had spoken were painful, yet true. He truly wanted to work and make a living, but it was as if she couldn't believe he was trying. She had a Masters in Education and he had a Masters in Business. She made $65,000 a year and he made 16,000 a year. Job offers never came. The President and the Governor talked about all those jobs. He was convinced he was cursed. What could he say? He had lost hope in the system. He had lost hope in get rich offers. Most of all he had lost hope in justice. He was after all a middle aged veteran. He could run a marathon and bench 275lbs, but it didn't mean anything. He was a poor boy willing to gamble it all on education and business overhead, thankfully supplemented by his wife. He had started or tried business idea after business idea, but they didn't amount to a hill of beans. He only wanted a decent secure employment opportunity. He would volunteer only to be the servant of greater men for free. He was a prisoner of his own home and debts walking on a tight rope realizing all could be lost at any moment. All the finance deals in the world wouldn't matter without income. His children and his wife kept him going because they were the only divine purpose for which he was sure.

Was he alone? Could there be others who felt like him? Were there cousins, uncles, friends or others out there in the United States who saw this strange set of circumstances which fell on men as if they were chosen for failure? He searched the reasons crying out in his spirit to God for answers, guidance or revelation, but nothing was clear or certain. What Shakespeare wrote seemed to make sense;

"A piece of work to make sick men whole, but are there some men whole we must make sick?"

He thought to himself: Could this be true in America?


This was after all the United States of America, the land of the free and home of the brave. The two great parties reside to provide democracy and justice to the land.

The Democrats point to big business as the oppressor and purveyor of the many problems of America.

The Republicans point to big government and excessive taxation as the destroyer of achievement and American ideas.


Both parties enjoy one thing more than anything else--- staying in power. To maintain or gather power is a necessity to compromise, promoting slow change, yet keeping our most favored perks and supporters content.


Republicans and conservatives such as Limbaugh say low taxes and large corporations encourage individual achievement, while Democrats believe they are chosen for power and taxes are necessary to help those who are limited from the power to achieve.

Achievement is many times confused with "power over opportunity". Both parties relish power enough to take advantage, recognizing that mainstream Americans sit as observers willing to accept what they've been taught, like students who become constituents of their respective schools of thought. They elect and reelect their representatives again and again only to compromise maintaining their own elitist power, the power of the bureaucracy, the power
of the corporation and the power of the military.

Most importantly neither political party is willing to publicly acknowledge that power has distinct advantages to opportunity. Instead they subscribe to conciliation with "special interests" who acknowledge that distinct advantages of political power. Therefore these two great parties support a form of discrimination to exchange individual rights with "special interest" group rights out of their desire to preserve power and avoid conflict with special
interests groups.


Individuals who are not part of these generally recognized groups and unions are the most likely to accept the plight of the No Where Man. There may indeed be large numbers of people who are isolated without a group or special interest representative. These individuals with adequate but not exceptional qualifications are acceptably overlooked and considered to be part to the
employed economic community and part of the industry, government and corporate opportunity.


Your success to change is not to become part of a political party. After all many parties such as the Green party or the Libertarian have some great ideas, but these ideas may never be realized because of the POWER argument presented. Instead your success is becoming a member of a group which will facilitate change for you as its constituent. The stronger the group and access to political influence the greater the ability to protect the rights of that
groups individual constituents.

The most DANGEROUS EFFECTIVE GROUPS became reality when INDIVIDUALS who are
denied fair conduct or opportunity in society seek participation in a group that possesses leadership that is able to coordinate, motivate and combine large numbers of these isolated people to become part of strategic action to promote change to better their individual opportunities.

Do you know any groups or have stories to combine with this story? Please
drop us a line.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Thanksgiving: You May Be Giving More than You Think!

Have A Happy Thanksgiving


For more Holiday Cheer! Click Here



You May Be Giving More Than You Think!


Hardly a day passes without getting another credit card offer.  Sadly many of them are difficult to refuse if you want to save money.  The grocery store, gas station or buying a car all give this great deal if you use their card.  In fact if you’re visiting from out of town get ready to pay more without your savings card.  Is it really worth it?  According to Nicole Brodeur of the Seattle Times even Starbucks is now involved in tracking your purchasing decisions.  Nicole discusses reading the fine print to see that you are really giving your personal information unless of course you opt out.   She says, “Starbucks is as connected as Santa. The company sees where you are surfing. It knows when you're online. It knows just what you bought for whom, so be patient as you try to "opt out."  This of course is quite tedious if you say do business with ten to twenty different banks, department stores and grocery chains. 


Most Americans have become immune to these types of rewards cards and credit card offers.  Like R rated movies, soda pop and abusive language we no longer even notice the little things that once would have been considered taboo fifty or even twenty years ago.  Change is inevitable, however there is always that chance that someone will be able to take advantage of not just one person but thousands or worse yet an entire nation  in the name of keeping track and providing better service or security.  Just think about it as you head out for Thanksgiving Dinner.  If someone has access to your information from a variety of sources its possible I know where you are, what your eating and if you have a cold.  In Brodeur’s words, You're giving a little bit of yourself, too, every time you conduct a transaction in the online marketplace."


Maybe Carrying a little extra cash is worth it.


Friday, November 04, 2005

Jesus is Coming

The bumper sticker reads Jesus is not a Republican. There are those who have a Jesus license plate on their vehicle. Many would ask this person if his name is Jesus. Quite frankly simply mentioning Jesus creates quite a stir among Liberals and Conservatives. Ironically it is more likely that Conservatives would claim the moral high ground when it comes to religious fervor, but the words of Jesus according to the New Testament mentioned turning the other cheek, love your enemies and even condemned lust of a married woman as adultery.

The biggest problem with political rhetoric of the day is that these two parties seem to encourage a most vile attempt to enrage and undermine the other. Tony Snow might say that Jimmy Carter is not an American. Randi Rhodes might say that George Bush should be impeached. Republicans had loads of joy bashing the Clintons for there immorality and acts of treason. Democrats place their moral high ground on global warming and the environment. Its uncertain if this is the worst rhetoric in the last hundred years, but certainly the rest of the world must be in a state of confusion concerning American political morality. How couldn’t they be?

Now we have another G Gordon but his last name is Libby. Guess what, I’m really not so sure what all the hype is about anyway. So someone blew someone’s cover. Do we really want to trust the governments secret service and to what extent. This is like the biggest corporation on earth with a budget where no one knows the money is being spent. I would just like the opportunity to share in some of their so called misfortunes such as a trip to Maui or Europe all expenses paid and no telling or else.

These are after all the most influential political entities on the face of the earth at the present time. The three branches of the American system are in a constant state of turmoil when it comes to party political lines. Occasionally someone bucks the system like Arnold S. or Jesse V. but the divisions in ideas concerning morality gay marriage, stem cell research, the environment, the military seem to becoming even more polarized. Television programming, movies and novels depict this same trend towards more radicalism and polarization of political forces. If history tells us anything, its that the nation and world will be looking for hero’s willing to make change. These changes from the past produced both dictators and revolutionaries. Military Force and passive religious movements have paved the way for social and moral progress when political leaders failed to produce results. Many times leaders claimed the rights of action as God inspired other times they claimed there actions were necessary to remove corrupt religious leaders.

The Libby indictment is just another pawn in a bigger game of political rhetoric. In the end a few heads will spin, but nothing much will change. The rich get richer. The rest go farther into debt. There are wars and rumors of wars, and a few more politicians will sell out to large corporate interests. The question of course is why all the billions spent on secrecy anyway to protect American interests when we will eventually find out we helped a future enemy anyway. Maybe the last great revolutionary is coming, but again the question is who is he Jesus Christ or anti-Christ. Truly though Jesus is Coming!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Universal Tattletale Site (No Posting for Now)

Currently if you try to send an email or register you will not be able to until our Server gets the email working properly. Its been a couple of weeks. A small problem in comparison to the problems faced by these people hit hard in Mississippi. That is me riding in the back of truck viewing the destruction by Katrina Posted by Picasa