The bumper sticker reads Jesus is not a Republican. There are those who have a Jesus license plate on their vehicle. Many would ask this person if his name is Jesus. Quite frankly simply mentioning Jesus creates quite a stir among Liberals and Conservatives. Ironically it is more likely that Conservatives would claim the moral high ground when it comes to religious fervor, but the words of Jesus according to the New Testament mentioned turning the other cheek, love your enemies and even condemned lust of a married woman as adultery.
The biggest problem with political rhetoric of the day is that these two parties seem to encourage a most vile attempt to enrage and undermine the other. Tony Snow might say that Jimmy Carter is not an American. Randi Rhodes might say that George Bush should be impeached. Republicans had loads of joy bashing the Clintons for there immorality and acts of treason. Democrats place their moral high ground on global warming and the environment. Its uncertain if this is the worst rhetoric in the last hundred years, but certainly the rest of the world must be in a state of confusion concerning American political morality. How couldn’t they be?
Now we have another G Gordon but his last name is Libby. Guess what, I’m really not so sure what all the hype is about anyway. So someone blew someone’s cover. Do we really want to trust the governments secret service and to what extent. This is like the biggest corporation on earth with a budget where no one knows the money is being spent. I would just like the opportunity to share in some of their so called misfortunes such as a trip to Maui or Europe all expenses paid and no telling or else.
These are after all the most influential political entities on the face of the earth at the present time. The three branches of the American system are in a constant state of turmoil when it comes to party political lines. Occasionally someone bucks the system like Arnold S. or Jesse V. but the divisions in ideas concerning morality gay marriage, stem cell research, the environment, the military seem to becoming even more polarized. Television programming, movies and novels depict this same trend towards more radicalism and polarization of political forces. If history tells us anything, its that the nation and world will be looking for hero’s willing to make change. These changes from the past produced both dictators and revolutionaries. Military Force and passive religious movements have paved the way for social and moral progress when political leaders failed to produce results. Many times leaders claimed the rights of action as God inspired other times they claimed there actions were necessary to remove corrupt religious leaders.
The Libby indictment is just another pawn in a bigger game of political rhetoric. In the end a few heads will spin, but nothing much will change. The rich get richer. The rest go farther into debt. There are wars and rumors of wars, and a few more politicians will sell out to large corporate interests. The question of course is why all the billions spent on secrecy anyway to protect American interests when we will eventually find out we helped a future enemy anyway. Maybe the last great revolutionary is coming, but again the question is who is he Jesus Christ or anti-Christ. Truly though Jesus is Coming!
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