Many mornings I make a commute from
It’s difficult for me to accept all that I hear having been raised by a grandmother whom I would characterize as a Roosevelt Democrat. Secondly the right seems amiss of my own experiences as a veteran and the only of one of my father’s ten children to attend or graduate from College. Ironically I married a right winger whom carries the banner for the Republican Party as a sort of code of ethics. She’s for the party without question, while I seem to question everything coding myself as an independent.
For a moment please forgive me for looking past the banter of the sins of the past but, Ted Kennedy has always been a favorite politician of mine, primarily because he chose to enlist in the arm services as an enlisted man in spite of his wealth and family background. His campaign for Health Reform is one that cannot be easily overlooked or minimized for the future of the American Agenda. This year our family will probably pay ten percent of our adjusted gross income towards Health Care. I consider our family to be average middle class Americans. Ironically, if Health care was part of normal taxation I would probably pay no more while the rich would pay considerably more. This concept of course is Taboo from the political right who know that these benefits would cost the wealthy a considerable amount of money if added to normal tax reform. The medical establishments of Doctors and Large Pharmaceuticals and their political allies view these concepts as something close to treason. Ironically if health care was part of normal taxation, we could go to a flat tax and actually see an increase in taxes for the richest Americans. Americans and Politicians would also have to consider more carefully the problems of illegal immigration and benefits provided to millions of undocumented aliens.
For now though we must worry about the war in
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