Have you stopped to seriously consider the reasons our soldiers are still in Iraq. Originally if you remember we went to War to rid ourselves from the threat of Saddam Hussein and weapons of mass destruction. We now know they did not have weapons of Mass Destruction. What do we fear from Iraq?
Another reason given by the Bush administration is that we are there now to prevent a civil war and promote a smooth transition to a democracy. This of course is another reason for war that seems to contradict itself with reality. Why? Because our biggest supporters in the region outside of Israel are Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Do we ever mention Democracy in these regions? Especially does George Bush dare to offend by suggesting Democracy to these nations with no democracy, strict adherence to a monarchy form of government?
Then of course there is the Axis of Evil. These are the three countries ( Iraq, Iran and South Korea} President Bush tagged as threat nations that are seeking nuclear weapons. This of course is just another reason for going to war. Is it really possible that Iraq could possess such weapons of mass destruction. Not likely, since it’s obvious that the US has won the war of arms with this nation. Do you ever see Iraq’s tanks. Secondly our historical roots in the regions never support anything democratic. First we supported the Shah in Iran, who was ousted by the Ayatollah Khomeini an Islamic extremist who delivered threatening speeches against the US which lead to the taking of 66 hostages and further deterioration of relations with The United States. In turn the United States helped arm Saddam Hussein in his war with Iran.
The Iran-Iraq war of course in which he used mustard gas or other gas against Iran. The US also unofficially helped arm Iran by selling arms for cash through Iran-Contra to fund a war against the Sandinista government in Nicaragua. Is this War in Iraq preventing or promoting Iran or South Korea from developing Nuclear weapons?
Today we are supposedly in Iraq to help the Iraq people get freedom and rid their country of insurgents. Just who are the insurgents? Since our Military does not really know who is for us or against us in Iraq making the situation all the more dangerous. Do we really expect people who may have lost loved ones at the expense of the US to now support our efforts? The Iraq people are confused now more than ever. Who do they trust? They are not being asked they are being told. Thus it appears to be true that the Iraq people have all the reasons in the world to question the American form of diplomacy and democracy. What about our troops trying to determine who is good or evil. Is it possible our Troops are also confused about whom or what they are protecting? What and who’s interests are being protected when it seems no one is winning?
The real reason that we are in Iraq is simple and probably the true reason for the War and our presence in this country. The President and Vice President refer to this reason as American interests in the region. Both President Bush and Vice President Cheney have gained personally and financially from this war. Cheney the former President of Halliburton and Bush the Oil man from Texas. Those interests are of course are “Oil” interests. We never mention the monarchy governments of the Saudi’s or Kuwait’s or others, but discuss the hatred of West and the radical Islam who support acts of terror. This of course suggests that all Muslims are threats because of religious reasons hateful of the United States. This also suggests the Saudi nation was not involved when we know the original 911 attack was comprise of thirteen Saudis’ The backwards non western ways suggest that all are oppressed and the US military is positioned in Iraq to prevent these nations from hurting their own or others. We therefore overlook our humanitarian ideologies and fears of Islamic terrorist because it is in our interests to do so. What therefore are our interests in the region?
This leaves only “Oil interests” as the reason for war.
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