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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Conspiracy Debunking

Popularity combined with mystery and death certainly make for good reading and speculation. Lady Di, JFK, OJ are common acronymns which more people around the world recognize than anything else. What is necessary to create such interest? Genuine people placed in public eye and of course disaster. Personally, Politicians and Expert Historians can lay all the blame or credit to the the drunk Body Guard and or the Loan Gunmen, but the amazing thing is this displays their inadequacies to ever find the mystery. It's like where is Osama Bin Laden? Primarily the Powers that be feel more comfortable letting us know they've really looked into the situation very carefully and come up with nothing--- meaning there is no conspiracy?

A brief submission we wrote a few years ago

Monday, November 06, 2006

How should I vote.

We the American people have been deliberately, maneuvered, trapped, tricked, deceived and even enslaved by our own political ideologies, agendas and parties. Somehow through all of this we are still the undisputed champion at producing much of the best of almost everything. If we can’t make the best, we buy the best even if it means selling ourselves out to do it. We are more dependent now on foreign countries, companies and illegal immigrants than ever before. The one thing we are promising to provide the world is protection. We own approximately half of all nuclear armaments in the world and American companies control almost half of all privately held highly enriched uranium. Most certainly we trust ourselves more than anything else. We’ve borrowed close to 29, 000 dollars for each and every American and there is no sign of change. We have by far the most billionaires and provide them with some of the lowest tax rates and the highest standards of living. We even look the other way as they avoid taxes and place their money in tax free havens around the world.

Sorry if I sound so cynical, but I’m somewhat concerned about many Americans. The middle class, lower class and ever increasing elderly citizen base all dependent on the nation to aspire to its great heritage of strength and giving. The government can’t say no to spending and our corporate corruption is shameful. It is no longer just a few, but a way of life. I doubt if President Lincoln, Jefferson, Grant or Washington imagined the millions other Presidents would receive for their books, memoirs and speaking engagements. I wish they could be here now to give Americans some advice. Undoubtedly they would be Proud and even Impressed at the accomplishments and greatness of this Great Country. What would they say about our morality? Our decisions? Our Future? I don’t know? I do know that many Americans have given their lives and lost their fortunes through the generations and certainly deserve a country that maintains its heart and its identity. This is indeed a battle with globalization, internet pornography, weapons proliferation and most of all political corruption and gluttony. The strength of our democracy depends on the voting American to promote change and direction.

The question of whether We The People can discern, be brave enough to demand through the ballot box necessary change that confronts all of our demons will indeed determine our ability to maintain the nation and claim the freedoms given by our Declaration of Independence and God inspired constitution.

Monday, September 04, 2006

A note about this site

Its been quite some time since I've posted to this site. The UT site is still not fully operational. The site was almost dismantled completely but is now up accept the links to the powerboard work occasionally. Believe it or not I was able to get thousands of hits per day, but the site did not generate any revenue. I still believe the etattle site has some potential, but until some kinks are worked out and I find the time, the site remains as is.

Recently I went to a soccer game between Chelsea and the US Allstars near Chicago with my two sons. Click here for an AMYVILLE song

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Mark Cuban Vs Bill Gates

Recently I read an editorial (A billionaire who knows alot of things)about Mark Cuban vs Bill Gates by sports columnist Tim Dahlberg and I beg to differ with his conclusions. First of all Mark Cuban went to Indiana University and actually got a degree. He started as a salesman and has in fact billions. Ironically he has a website which is open to the public. Unlike Mr. Bill Gates whom has basically no means to contact him including his company Microsoft without going through some major beauracratic process.

Yes, Bill Gates has given away thirty billion dollars or has he. It seems to me that only about ten percent of the money is actually being given to charity that goes into this tax haven for the rich. Guess what most of us have no control or say so over the money we give away, but not Mr Gates who’s foundation is neatly controlled by his spouse and father. Don’t get me wrong I admire Bill Gates in that he notably is trying to do the right thing and suck up to the intellectual liberal media, however WHO IS Bill Gates and would he allow you to respond openly to him on a website—I think not. Mark Cuban openly discusses his thoughts and feelings about things he does know about or has ideas about.

Last time I looked Bill Gates was getting away from what he knows best—Microsoft and going after the power and glory of giving that ten percent of his foundation which in one gift became four times larger than the Rockefellers or the Ford’s. Honestly I hope he decides to give away all those Billions and end the plight of starvation and malnutrition worldwide, but time will tell. Meanwhile, Just be careful what you say regarding this master of intrigue who's name is Bill Gates.

Mark Cuban on the other hand might actually offer you a few pointers on what he thinks about basketball, getting rich or what coffee he likes best.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Universal Tattletale site down

The site and the site may be down temporarily due to us changing servers. Please try again later or feel free to send us an email from this blog.

Monday, March 06, 2006

New Slavery Coming for many Americans

On January 1, 2006 banks were ordered to charge at least one percent of credit card balances plus interest to assure that credit card loans were paid down. Recently a rash of consumer complaints became evident when many banks for apparently little or no reason increased interests rates from the low teens to high 29.99 percent or higher. Banks took advantage of some discreet language buried deep in their disclosure documents, primarily that you can have your interest rate increased if you have even one late payment with any financial institution even if it’s not the one raising the rate. Banks were in essence deregulated from charging whatever they wanted, because they are now guaranteed income because individuals can no longer walk away from unsecured debt as easily through a bankruptcy filing. What was once unsecured debt has now become secured unsecured debt to major banking institutions
Believe it or not the Governments run up of debt and the changing of bankruptcy laws could be the beginning of the end for the United States of America. Many democrats and others point to moral and ethical changes as a sign of the major problems if not the end times. Raising taxes to excess or placing excessive debts on the constituency can lead to financial chaos, increased poverty and political turmoil. This type of economic scenario requires countries to look outside their own country to finance their increased spending. Remember the Louisiana Purchase. American Ports, Roads and Corporations are being turned over to foreign interests primarily to sustain the American Dream. During the current President Bush’s tenure the national debt has actually increased more than all other Presidents combined. (This debt is not currently as high in real terms if compared to post World War Two)
For the past several years many people have financed and refinanced to take advantage of increasing home values and pay off excessive debt. Ironically recent economic data shows that average incomes are actually dropping compared to inflation. Recognizing the problem with large numbers of bankruptcies the government changed the rules to avoid allowing many people to walk away from their debts. Many Americans are accustomed to being able to run up debt and pay it off, but this new system is going to create new realities that will test the will of the current Republican congress to avoid a constituent backlash, which could reverse the trend to a new deal not seen for seventy five years.
How did this happen? Quite simply banks and Congress came up with the trickle up philosophy which means that someone would have to pay in case things really get nasty. The trickle up philosophy meaning place much of the responsibility on the lower and middle class allowing people to spend what they want, but they will be made to pay the price through mandatory payment systems and credit counseling. The top 3% of Americans have not only enjoyed the largest tax advantages but, they have also enjoyed the luxury of avoiding carrying responsibility of the debt load as their income is divested across national borders worldwide.
The government could have been wiser by making credit card issuers at least maintain reasonable interest rates, but this is not the case. Banks are now allowed with little or no reason or notification to raise interest rates at will. If you currently have a 10,000 dollar credit card balance at 10% the bank if it desires can change the rate to 29.99 percent. If you are like many people you may not read the disclosure and in one month’s time you would lose 200 dollars and increase your payments by $200 dollars a month on that one card.
Truly men could be enslaved to debt for life if Congress finds a way to mandate repayment of a parent’s debts by a child. This would truly be the last hurdle in taking away individual freedoms at conception and enslaving a person from birth.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Port Authority or Presidential Authority

Dear President Bush:
As an American citizen I am concerned as I recently heard your considering vetoing legislation because of Congress not agreeing to let the UAE owned company run six US Ports. Quite honestly your priorities seem to be getting out of line. Personally I’m not certain about whether the UAE should be allowed to administrate activities and personnel at the Ports, however I am certain that there is a war going on in Iraq. I am also certain that there are thousands of people needing homes and assistance still in Louisiana and Mississippi not to mention atrocities throughout the known world. What’s the big deal with this company losing its Port’s contracts?
Please read my previous blog and click on the link to Ben Franklin's " The Art of Virtue.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

United States Plagued by Lack of Virtue

The lack of virtue allows politicians and the media to accept and use information they otherwise would question. One of the major difficulties with employment opportunities for many prospective students (young or old) in the United States today is recognizing what to learn which will be regarded enough to provide ample economic opportunity. This is not a new problem but one which has existed for hundreds of years. In H.W. Brands book, “The First American” he quotes Ben Franklin from his book The Art of Virtue”

Many people lead bad lives that would gladly lead good ones, but know not how to make the change. They frequently resolved and endeavored it; but in vain, because their endeavors have not been properly conducted. To exhort people to be good, to be just, to be temperate &c. without shewing them how they shall become so, seems like the ineffectual charity mentioned by the Apostle, which consisted in saying to the hungry, the cold, and the naked, be ye fed, be ye warmed, be ye clothed, without shewing them how they should get food, fire, or clothing.

Today, politicians including President Bush, economists and reporters have displayed their lack of virtue when understanding trends in the United States. They tend to view education as a means in itself to employment. The rhetoric about all the new jobs relies heavily on people actually understanding how to accomplish these new tasks put before them. It also ignores economic realities that exist for many people who work for much less money. Many of the jobs now provided to illegal immigrants or sent to Mexico require less knowledge, but are still being taken away from Americans who in turn have little to offer that provides adequate income. We raise interest rates when we could raise taxes on the rich which would promote more competition. The rich and powerful must give to promote the cycle of opportunity to others. Virtue must be a part of the repertoire of the powerful and the rich or we continue to take from the have nots to give to the haves. In the words of Franklin:

It is as properly an art as painting, navigation, or architecture. If a man would become a painter, navigator, or architect, it is not enough that he is advised to be one, that he is convinced by the arguments of his advisor that it would be for his advantage to be one, and that he resolves to be one; but he must also be taught the principles of the art, be shewn all the methods of working, and how to acquire the habits of using properly all the instruments. And thus regularly and gradually he arrives by practice at some perfection in the art.

This lack of sharing or virtue is not an intentional consequence of actions of the past administrations, but the result of a continual pattern of abuse of debt instruments, media conglomerates and corporate excesses through lobbyist in congress and greed at the expense of the masses in the United States. Currently the 8 trillion dollar deficit is the elusive creature that allows all this excess to go unnoticed. The new policies adopted for bankruptcy are just a precursor to bigger problems that are arising concerning individual rights. More power to fewer and larger banks who lend money with less risk to people with less freedom and ability to repay the higher interest loans. More drugs, more casinos, more mafia mean more prisons and jails are needed to maintain and protect this new found wealth of the elite bankers, drug lords, politicians and large corporate owners as they continue this ongoing policy of abuse which Franklin described as “LACK OF VIRTUE”

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Indiana Grumblings

Most of the past 40 plus years of my life accept for a brief stint in the military has been spent in Indiana. Many of my ancestors have lived here close to the inception of the state in the early 1800’s. Like many lifelong Hoosiers I’ve grown up working on farms, playing basketball, ice skating on ponds and attending a small town country church. Home-made Sunday dinners were a must. Dwindling downtowns have been replaced with sprawling suburbs and Wal-Mart Super Centers. The high income manufacturing jobs are being and have been replaced by lower paying service jobs.

One thing for certain change is inevitable. As a child, like Mellencamp’s “ Pink Houses” I may have felt becoming the President was possible. Now I realize a roadmap and luck have much to say about success. The trials and failures of my parents in Indiana have become all too real. Like so many this dream of success was never realized and my responsibilities and security has kept me here long enough that roads and opportunities to other places have drifted away.

Ironically, I live in a nice home in one of the most beautiful places that Indiana has to offer. I like this place with serenity, beauty and access to so many places all year long. Technology has made this place nestled between Morgan-Monroe and Brown County even more attractive for living and retirement.

I would like to tell my children move away because I couldn’t make things happen here economically like I wanted to. Guess what? I know how dangerous the rest of the world can be without a plan. Sure it would be nice as a young man or woman to travel around the world and live in Hostel’s, but sooner or later reality sets in and we have to find a place to call home. (Have you seen the movie Hostel-not recommended?) I’ve traveled and stayed a little in Australia and Hostel’s are the way to travel for less. In fact it wasn’t near as dangerous as traveling around Texas where it seems everyone carried a gun.

The Indiana roadmap I have followed has lead me to become what Indiana has reserved for so many like me. A fear of the Lord and the granting of advanced education and degrees for jobs that required much less education. Just like many parents I like the idea of pushing our children to do better than me or at least not make the mistakes I made.

Indiana can be a great place to live, however, Economic reality has made life more difficult in many areas of Indiana. For instance according to Forbes Indiana is one of only a handful of states that does not have a top 300 privately held company. To often change is necessary for personal growth and career advancement. For many young men and women leaving Indiana may be a necessity; however the values, good times and the feeling of home will not be forgotten. But my advice to many is Go West Go South Go North.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Christmas Picture---See the tree in the backround a Christmas tradition Posted by Picasa